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Index Leads the Way in Augmenting the World of the Digital Worker

At the 2019 EPRI Grid Analytics and Power Quality Conference and Exhibition in St. Louis last week, Index AR Solutions executives demonstrated how augmented reality (AR) and next-generation eBooks are joining forces to completely modernize the apprenticeship program for a major utility company.

Index AR Solutions CEO Dan Arczynski and Senior Vice President Scott Sommers presented in the Tools and Systems track of the conference, whose theme was “Building a Path to the Future Grid with Data Analytics and Innovation.”

The focus of the presentation was the Index AR Solutions SuperApp® for Gas Apprenticeship, which combines AR learning experiences with interactive, multimedia-rich In-Book™ modules that represent the future of eBook development. The SuperApp® is loaded on tablets used by apprentices, journeymen, instructors and others for both training and field reference.

Arczynski and Sommers discussed how MidAmerican Energy Company, thanks to the AR and dynamic teaching tools in the In-Book™ component of the SuperApp® solution, is reducing the time needed to train a qualified, safety conscious and customer service-savvy gas technician.

The SuperApp® for Gas Apprenticeships ultimately replaces traditional text books, notebooks and VHS tapes – removing the learning friction and frustration experienced by younger workers.

The overall result, Arczynski and Sommers explained to conference attendees, is a learning process that is both dynamic and experiential, resulting in improved outcomes.

Available for purchase today, the SuperApp® for Gas Apprenticeships is comprehensive, with everything needed to create a complete training platform. The SuperApp® is priced with customization included, and clients can purchase complete apprenticeship phases or buy “a la carte” from a menu of individual eBooks and AR experiences.

The Index AR Solutions SuperApp® portfolio is a growing suite of pre-packaged AR applications, each tailored to address common workforce challenges across industry.

For more information on the SuperApp® for Gas Apprenticeships, other SuperApp® offerings or development partnership opportunities, visit