The latest news, reports and trends in augmented reality for industry, reported here.

Month: July 2016

How Pokemon Go Cast A Bright Spotlight On The Promise And Power Of Augmented Reality

The Pokemon Go craze that turned normal people into smartphone-overdosing zombies has cast a blazing spotlight on augmented reality (AR) this summer. The widespread press of the blockbuster interactive app has also coincided with the release of the Index AR Solutions enterprise market perspective. The Index team forecasts a $105 billion enterprise market for AR … Continue reading “How Pokemon Go Cast A Bright Spotlight On The Promise And Power Of Augmented Reality”

Index AR Solutions: AR Market For U.S. Enterprise To Reach $105


2016 Predictions: Augmented Reality Ready To Tackle Industrial Challenges

Transforming the way we design, build, inspect, and maintain ships

Marine Log

How businesses can benefit from augmented reality technology

Fox News Business

Why AR Will Alter The Way You See The Construction Industry

Capterra Construction Blog

What Is Augmented Reality and How Can Engineers and Designers Use It?

Augmented Reality for Industry

Automation World

Google Glass takes flight at Boeing – Beyond Boeing’s smartglass pilot

IDG Connect

Next generation skilled workers using augmented reality

Association for Manufacturing Excellence