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Month: March 2021

Clients Level Up Workforce Training with Index Apprentice Program Solutions

Underscoring the company’s continued growth, Index AR Solutions announced that six standalone Apprentice Program training solutions are now available. Organizations use an Index Apprentice Program to streamline and replace legacy training materials with a multimodal digital curriculum. Each Apprentice Program is a complete package of augmented reality (AR) mobile apps and Index eBooks™ designed to … Continue reading “Clients Level Up Workforce Training with Index Apprentice Program Solutions”

SuperApp™ Library Reaches 350 Apps and eBooks

The Index AR Solutions off-the-shelf product library continues to grow rapidly, with the company announcing today that it has 350 mobile apps and eBooks available now or in development. The number stood at nearly 240 just four months ago. SuperApps™ are augmented reality (AR) applications and Index eBook™ solutions that make workers safer, more capable … Continue reading “SuperApp™ Library Reaches 350 Apps and eBooks”