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Month: July 2019

Index AR Solutions Joins Industry Luminaries at 2019 Light and Sound Interactive Conference

In late June, more than 700 people gathered in Rochester, New York for the 2019 Light and Sound Interactive (LSI) conference where innovators such as Index AR Solutions demonstrated how they are pushing the edge of light and sound-based technologies. Scott Sommers, Senior Vice President at Index AR Solutions, took the LSI stage with Dr. … Continue reading “Index AR Solutions Joins Industry Luminaries at 2019 Light and Sound Interactive Conference”

Augmenting People for Performance in an Age of Disruption

Last week, Index AR Solutions CEO Dan Arczynski presented at the Southeastern Electric Exchange (SEE) Annual Conference & Trade Show in Washington D.C., demonstrating how the company is using AR and interactive content delivery tools such as eBooks to augment the next generation of worker. The SEE, founded in 1933, is a non-profit, non-political trade … Continue reading “Augmenting People for Performance in an Age of Disruption”