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Month: May 2019

Denis Bederov: How AR is changing engineering

In an opinion piece for leading UK business magazine Business Matters, AR expert and engineer Denis Bederov described augmented reality as “a truly groundbreaking concept that could change our lives as we know them.” Supporting research from Dexter Lilley, VP of Index AR Solutions, was cited in the article. According to the article, Lilley estimates … Continue reading “Denis Bederov: How AR is changing engineering”

Index AR Solutions Presents at NEPPA Engineering & Operations Conference and Expo

Index AR Solutions CEO Dan Arczynski presented at the Northeast Public Power Association (NEPPA) Engineering & Operations Conference and Expo recently, showcasing how augmented reality (AR) is increasingly becoming a best practice enabler for electric and gas utilities. Arczynski discussed how Index has assembled a portfolio of solutions that leverage AR, eBooks and other highly … Continue reading “Index AR Solutions Presents at NEPPA Engineering & Operations Conference and Expo”

Index Leads the Way in Augmenting the World of the Digital Worker

At the 2019 EPRI Grid Analytics and Power Quality Conference and Exhibition in St. Louis last week, Index AR Solutions executives demonstrated how augmented reality (AR) and next-generation eBooks are joining forces to completely modernize the apprenticeship program for a major utility company. Index AR Solutions CEO Dan Arczynski and Senior Vice President Scott Sommers … Continue reading “Index Leads the Way in Augmenting the World of the Digital Worker”

Index AR Solutions Invited to Present at Duke Energy 2019 XR Spring Showcase

Index AR Solutions CEO Dan Arczynski and Senior Vice President Scott Sommers were recently invited to present at the Duke Energy 2019 XR Spring Showcase, demonstrating how the company’s cutting-edge mobile applications are harnessing the power of augmented reality to deliver real value for utilities and other industries. Index was one of only three industry-leading … Continue reading “Index AR Solutions Invited to Present at Duke Energy 2019 XR Spring Showcase”