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Month: August 2018

Ready Now: Index AR Solutions CEO Presents at American Nuclear Society Conference

In a presentation entitled “AR in Nuclear – Ready Now,” Index AR Solutions President and CEO Dan Arczynski demonstrated just that at the American Nuclear Society’s 25th annual Utility Working Conference and Vendor Technology Expo. The event attracted more than 750 utility industry professionals and over 90 vendor exhibits, all aligned with the Society’s mission … Continue reading “Ready Now: Index AR Solutions CEO Presents at American Nuclear Society Conference”

Augmented Reality, eBooks and the Reinvention of Utility Apprenticeships

Utilities have a long history of striving to make their workers safer, more capable and productive. At the recent Southern Gas Association’s Operating Conference & Expo in Tampa, Index AR Solutions representatives show attendees how augmented reality is being deployed and combined with other technologies in unique ways to continue this trend for gas utilities. … Continue reading “Augmented Reality, eBooks and the Reinvention of Utility Apprenticeships”

Digital Reality Technology: Empowering Today’s Knowledge Workers

For the summer 2018 issue of Target magazine, journalist Glenn Marshall writes about how digital reality technologies such as AR and VR are reinventing the role of the knowledge worker. In the article, entitled “Developing the next generation of digital knowledge workers,” Marshall described how companies are embracing an emerging “no collar” workforce – completely … Continue reading “Digital Reality Technology: Empowering Today’s Knowledge Workers”