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Month: October 2023

Index Joins Utility Industry Leaders at E Source Forum 2023

Index AR Solutions sponsored and participated in the annual E Source Forum in Denver recently, joining industry professionals focused on charting the future of sustainable utilities. Nearly 600 people attended this year’s E Source Forum, which has facilitated learning, networking, and collaboration among utility professionals from across the U.S. and Canada for nearly 30 years. … Continue reading “Index Joins Utility Industry Leaders at E Source Forum 2023”

Community College Celebrates New Electric Utility Program Graduates and Digital Curriculum Success with Index

The Index AR Solutions team was on hand at the graduation ceremony for a new Electric Utility Program launched at Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC). The inaugural program featured a digital curriculum based on modern, field-proven training materials that Index created in partnership with MidAmerican Energy using eBooks and mobile apps delivered via tablets. … Continue reading “Community College Celebrates New Electric Utility Program Graduates and Digital Curriculum Success with Index”