The latest news, reports and trends in augmented reality for industry, reported here.

Month: April 2018

Demonstrating the Power of AR at the DistribuTECH Conference and Exhibition

In late January, representatives from Index AR Solutions attended DistribuTECH 2018, the utility industry’s leading transmission and distribution conference and exhibition. Scott Sommers, Vice President of Client and Corporate Development, and John Arczynski, Director of Operations, joined industry thought leaders from all over the world to network, share knowledge and problem solve with worldwide utilities … Continue reading “Demonstrating the Power of AR at the DistribuTECH Conference and Exhibition”

The Next Wave: Augmented Reality as a Tool in the Lineman’s Toolbox

In the April issue of T&D World Magazine, Rich Maxwell penned an article on the state of transmission and distribution apps where he highlighted the wide variety of mobile apps that are popping up in support of a growing assortment of electric utility field use cases. Maxwell noted that collectively, these powerful apps are serving … Continue reading “The Next Wave: Augmented Reality as a Tool in the Lineman’s Toolbox”