The latest news, reports and trends in augmented reality for industry, reported here.

Month: March 2018

Westar Energy Showcases the Benefits of Index AR Solutions at NERC’s 2018 Human Performance Conference

Augmented Reality (AR) was a major topic of discussion at the 2018 Human Performance Conference hosted by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). The group’s seventh annual conference and workshops took place March 27-29 in Atlanta, Georgia. One of the featured speakers at the conference was Dave Claussen, Senior Director of Substation Construction and … Continue reading “Westar Energy Showcases the Benefits of Index AR Solutions at NERC’s 2018 Human Performance Conference”

Dexter Lilley Demonstrates Why Augmented Reality is Ready Now on HxGN RADIO Podcast

 Augmented reality (AR), the overlay of digital information on the real world, is ready now to make significant improvements to safety, quality, cost and schedule in the construction, manufacturing, and mining spaces. Dexter Lilley, Executive Vice President and COO of Index AR Solutions, demonstrated just how ready the technology is when he highlighted several … Continue reading “Dexter Lilley Demonstrates Why Augmented Reality is Ready Now on HxGN RADIO Podcast”