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Month: June 2021

Forbes Article Highlights Index AR Solutions Among Charter Members of the Anterix Active Ecosystem

Index AR Solutions was recently noted in a Forbes article as being one of the charter members of the Anterix Active Ecosystem Program, an initiative designed to accelerate the delivery, deployment and application of private broadband for the U.S. electric grid. The program was launched on May 10, 2021 by Anterix, the largest licensed holder … Continue reading “Forbes Article Highlights Index AR Solutions Among Charter Members of the Anterix Active Ecosystem”

Index eBooks™ and Mobile Apps Take Center Stage at Human Performance Community of Practice Hosted by KnowledgeVine

Several Index AR Solutions leaders presented at the Human Performance (HP) Community of Practice virtual roundtable on May 20. Hosted by KnowledgeVine, a leading provider of HP improvement services, the session showcased how technology and science are coming together to optimize human performance using eBooks and mobile apps. Augmented reality (AR) mobile apps and Index … Continue reading “Index eBooks™ and Mobile Apps Take Center Stage at Human Performance Community of Practice Hosted by KnowledgeVine”