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O’Reilly Author on Augmenting Industrial Reality and Bigger Things to Come

Author Leah Hunter writes about the human side of technology for Fast Company and other leading publications.

In her recently published book “Augmented Reality for the Industrial Enterprise,” Hunter described how integration tools and vision systems are two major developments pushing augmented reality (AR) forward in the enterprise, paving the way for even greater advances to come.

One key to enterprise AR success, according to Hunter, is an ability to understand legacy systems and the extent to which teams have a grasp of manufacturing.

The Index AR Solutions team is known for its manufacturing heritage from Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS), and for an O’Reilly article on her book, Hunter sought insight from Index CEO Dan Arczynski:

“The reason why we are so effective is because our people are actually manufacturing people, construction people first—and engineers and designers and software developers. They’re AR people second. We train our people in our AR here, because we don’t want just software developers, we want those who can actually walk into a facility and talk directly to the folks running it and help them change things for the better.”

To read the rest of Hunter’s article, click here.